Un-Church: A Home For Spiritual Seekers


A lot of spiritual seekers feel alone on their path. If you're like us, maybe you grew up in a church but were left with very mixed feelings about the whole experience. You like the idea of a spiritual community, but you don't at all like what the church became or what it stands for.

You're one of the un-churched.

We are social creatures, and we all have a deep need to be around our tribe and to be fully seen and accepted just the way we are. That's why we've created Un-Church.

Join the Un-Church community!

Here's what you can expect at an Un-Church event:

  • Be part of a high-vibe spiritual community
  • Do fun stuff
  • Study transformational things
  • Eat good food
  • Surround yourself with the best people
  • Make the world a better place

Believe whatever works best for you.

Every Un-Church is a place of ZERO dogma, where any and all belief systems are welcome. Rather than approaching things from a place of Absolutely True / Not True, we instead focus on: is this idea helpful / not helpful to me living my best life? (And the answer to that question will be different for different people!)

Ultimately, Un-Church is about you becoming the best version of you possible and creating a life that lights you up.

Walk your path, and celebrate life.

All paths are welcome, and you're encouraged and empowered to explore YOUR path in spirituality and life. Vegan? Great. Primal? Perfect. Don't want to drink? Awesome? Going Viking on the mead? LFG! There's no "right" or "true" path here. Just a willingness to more deeply align with YOUR path and be around other people who are aligning with theirs.

Join us In-Person or On-Line

Un-Church happens in South Bend, IN, but we'll be bringing our madness all over the world. Until there's a chapter in your area, feel free to join us virtually from the comfort of your own home.

Join the Un-Church community!